Boost your organization growth by enhancing UX maturity

From the early stage of product discovery and prototype validation to post-release support, Vigu can assist you throughout the development process.

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Our UX consultancy team assists improving product's usability and optimizing expenses by implementing the right UX processes and tools. Vigu offers a holistic evaluation of products, advise on strategy, conduct workshops and training to empower your business with the best UX practices.

How our UX consultants can boost business growth

Establish the correct UX processes

Leveraging agile methodology and adopting a customer-centric approach, we can help you stimulate organizational growth and internal transformation.

Uncover new business opportunities

Our UX consultants focus on the bigger picture of your business to assist you in finding hidden issues and uncovering untapped opportunities.

Increase return on investment (ROI)

Our user experience consultants provide recommendations on how to determine the impact of UX design and enhance your product's business performance.

Design exceptional user experiences

If you want to enhance your product's performance, but are unsure where to begin, we will offer guidance on how to identify users' needs and address usability issues.

Conserve resources through design

We can help your business reduce time and resources spent on design, research, and engineering by prioritizing product design and development efforts.

Advance the UX maturity

Through workshops and training, our UX consultants help your company's key stakeholders and product teams gain the necessary UX tools and methods.

Our UX consultancy services

ViGu can provide a fresh perspective and comprehensive overview of your product development process. We will provide customized training and workshops on UX methods to improve your business performance. The following is a summary of our user experience consulting services.

  • Custom training programs

    Custom training programs

    Our UX workshops and trainings are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, with the goal of enhancing your team's UX maturity and supporting your business objectives through UX strategy.

  • Research and evaluation

    Research and evaluation

    We analyze the existing situation of your company in order to identify its strengths, flaws, and prospects. Upon completion of the evaluation, ViGu consultants synthesize the outcome and provide recommendations for enhancing your product's performance.

  • Dedicated UX team

    Dedicated UX team

    ViGu UX consultants are experts in providing advice at any stage of your product development cycle. We work with your team to consult on product strategy, evaluate overall usability, or lead workshops and trainings.

  • How may we assist you?

    How may we assist you?

    ViGu designs custom solutions that are tailored to suit your business goals and customer needs. Tell us about your goals and challenges.


  • It is generally recommended to hire a UX consultant when you are looking to improve the user experience of your product or service. This could be at any stage of the product development process, from early concept development to post-launch optimization.

    There are several situations where hiring a UX consultant may be particularly beneficial:

    • When you are starting a new product or service: A UX consultant can help you identify user needs, design a user-centered product, and validate your design decisions through user testing.

    • When you are redesigning an existing product: A UX consultant can help you understand why users are experiencing issues with the current design and identify opportunities for improvement.

    • When you are launching a new feature: A UX consultant can help you design the feature in a way that meets user needs and is intuitive to use.

    • When you are looking to improve user engagement or conversion rates: A UX consultant can help you identify and address any pain points in the user journey that may be causing users to drop off or fail to convert.

    Overall, hiring a UX consultant can be beneficial at any stage of the product development process where you are looking to improve the user experience.

  • The qualifications and expertise of our UX consultants can cover the specific needs of your project. Here are some common qualifications and skills our consultants have:

    • Education: Our UX consultants have a degree and diplomas in a computer science field such as human-computer interaction, psychology, or design.

    • Experience: Our UX consultants have several years of experience working in the field, either as a UX designer, front-end developer, researcher, or in a related role.

    • Skills: Our UX consultants are adept at a wide range of skills, including user research, user testing, usability evaluation, wireframing, prototyping, and design. They are also be able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

    • Specialties: Our UX consultants have specific areas of expertise in mobile design, accessibility, and data visualization.

    It is important to carefully evaluate the qualifications and expertise of any UX consultant you are considering hiring to ensure that they have the skills and experience needed to meet your project's needs.

  • ViGu UX consulting process is usually made up of a number of steps that are meant to improve how a product or service is used. These steps may change based on the needs and goals of the project, as well as the organization's resources and limits. But here's a general rundown of how UX consulting works:

    • Define the scope and goals of the project: The first step in ViGu UX consulting process is to define the scope and goals of the project. This could mean figuring out who the project's intended users are, what its goals are, and what its limits are.

    • Do user research: The next step is to do user research to find out what the target users want, how they act, and what their needs are. This could be done through interviews, focus groups, surveys, or testing how easy it is to use.

    • Analyze and put together the data: Once the user research is done, ViGu consultants will look at the data and put it together to find patterns and insights.

    • Develop design ideas: ViGu consultants will come up with design ideas that meet the needs of the target users and meet the project goals based on what they learned from the user research.

    • Make prototypes and test them with users: ViGu consultants will make prototypes of the design ideas and test them with users to make sure that the design decisions are correct and to find any problems or places where the design could be improved.

    • Fine-tune and finish the design: ViGu consultants will use the feedback from the user testing to fine-tune and finish the design, taking into account any problems or concerns that were found.

    • Implement the design and evaluate it: Once the design is finished, ViGu consultants will work with the development team to implement the design and make sure it meets the needs of the users. ViGu's UX consultant may also do more usability testing or use other methods of evaluation to make sure the design works and meets the project's goals.

    Overall, the UX consulting process at ViGu is meant to help organizations improve the user experience of their products or services by understanding the needs and behaviors of their target users and designing solutions that meet those needs. Depending on the needs and goals of the project, the steps and methods used in the process may be different.

  • It is difficult to provide a specific answer to this question as the cost of hiring UX consultants from ViGu will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific needs of your project, the length of the project, the level of expertise required, and the location where work will happen.

    In general, the cost of hiring ViGu UX consultants can range from a few hundred dollars for a small project or a single day of consulting to thousand dollars for a larger, more complex project. It is also common for us to charge hourly rates, with rates ranging from $70 to $240 or more per hour, depending on the level of expertise and the specific needs of the project.

    It is important to keep in mind that the cost of hiring a ViGu UX consultant is just one factor to consider when choosing a firm to work with. It is also important to consider the quality of their work, their track record, and their ability to meet the specific needs of your project. Our consultants ace that!