Establish a cohesive, consistent, and scalable user experience

With over a decade of experience, ViGu have the knowledge and expertise to help organizations build design systems that are successful.

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With Design Systems you can expect more business

A design system is a set of principles and guidelines, including a design language and a collection of design resources and tools, that are used to create a cohesive and consistent user interface across a product or service. It includes a component library of pre-designed UI elements and design documentation with written guidelines and standards. The design system helps to establish a clear brand identity and improve the overall user experience of the product or service.

Here are some of the deliverables that we offer to our clients:

  • A design language is a set of rules and principles that are used to make a product or service look and feel consistent and cohesive. It includes things like typography, color schemes, interface elements, layout templates. Which helps build a clear and recognizable brand identity.

  • ViGu develops a bundle of design resources which helps teams to follow the design system. It usually includes things like example based UI elements, design principles, typography, color schemes, and other assets that help create a consistent look and feel across a product or service. Design kits developed by ViGu are helpful for development teams as they provide a reference for creating new products and features. Overall helping to make sure that all design decisions follow the established design system. Plus, they often come with templates, patterns, and other resources that can streamline the design process and keep everything consistent.

  • A component library built by ViGu team is a set of pre-designed, reusable UI elements that are used to build and maintain a seamless user interface across all products or services. The collection of elements, often referenced as 'components' usually include buttons, form fields, headers, footers, and other common interface elements. Component libraries are an important part of design systems because they make it easy for designers and developers to make new user interfaces that match the design system.

    By using component library built by ViGu, clients can save time and make sure that all of the interface elements look consistant across the product or service. Component libraries can be used in many different ways, like web design, making mobile apps, and building complex enterprise softwares.

  • ViGu recommends working on a developer sandbox which works as a testing environment for developers to play around with code. It helps build prototypes, and try out new features without affecting the production environment. This can include things like trying out different ways to set up UI elements, experimenting with different layout and style options, and putting the components into different parts of the product or service.

  • ViGu establishes the written materials which explains the design principles, guidelines, and standards used to create a consistent user experience. It's a comprehensive set of written materials that describe all the elements of the design system, like typography, color schemes, UI components, and working patterns. Design documentation is usually created by ViGu consultants with reference by designers, developers, and other stakeholders responsible for the product. It's important because it helps ensure that all design decisions follow the established design system and that the user interface is consistently implemented across the product.

We provide support in both the tactical details of design as well as the strategic, organizational, and interpersonal aspects of building a successful design system.

Lets Talk

ViGu is here to help

Design Systems Discovery


The first step for ViGu consultants is learning about your business, objectives, and any specific requirements. This is done by observing the present product or service in use, conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders, and reviewing relevant data.

Design System Scope

Determining the scope

After comprehending your requirements, we develop a plan for bringing the product to fruition. This plan includes a comprehensive list of the design system's components and patterns, and a schedule for design and implementation.

Design Systems Build, Design, Iterate

Build, design and iterate

Utilizing the agreed plan as a guide, we commence constructing the foundation of a fresh design system. We proceed through a series of cycles, working together and exchanging updates on our progress to guarantee that everything is being designed to meet the standards and requirements of your company.

Design Systems Implementation


ViGu will work with you to implement the design system across the product or service. This may involve training designers and developers on how to use the system, integrating the system into existing workflows, and making any necessary changes to the product or service to align with the new design system.

Design Systems Handover

Handover and maintenance

We also work with the client to maintain the design system over time, making updates and changes as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the business and the users of the product and service as intended.

Scale your products for consistent design and improved UX with Design Systems.