Transform your product ideas into reality

Through a PoC, we can help you validate and enhance your product ideas, allowing you to make more educated choices moving forward.

Proof of Concept (PoC) Service at ViGu

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We design PoC to help businesses understand if a new idea is realistic, marketable, and achievable. Allowing teams to investigate intended product components, functions, costs, resources, and capacities. From our deliverables, you can assess the new solutions' readiness for wider adoption, approve the proposal, and invest in its execution.

Our Process

  • 1.

    Learn why the product is needed.

    Learn why the product is needed
  • 2.

    Ideate the optimal solution.

    Ideate the optimal solution
  • 3.

    Design and test a prototype.

    Design and test a prototype
  • 4.

    Collect and document feedback

    Collect and document feedback
  • 5.

    Showcase the PoC for approval.

    Showcase the PoC for approval
  • Project leaders must establish the need for the product by mentioning who the target market is and what their pain points are when presenting their POC. However, project managers must not simply assume what the customers' pain points are when narrating them. They require genuine and verified responses.

    ViGu obtains such responses by interviewing a representative sample of customers. We ask detailed questions about the their frustrations, what they want a product to do to alleviate their inconvenience, what user experience they prefer, and so on.

    We build PoC that allows project leaders to gain a clear understanding of their customers' feelings and perspectives, as well as a list of specific needs and targets for their POC.

  • ViGu begins brainstorming with the team based on the responses of the sample group for the best solutions to the customers' pain points, keeping in mind that they must also be feasible and within the company's capabilities. We then evaluate each brainstormed solution based on its likely costs, timeline, required technologies, operational capacities, competition, resources, and other factors.

    Most of the time, we narrow the list of ideas down to the most viable ones and finalize the proposed product idea. To round out the proposal, we talk about how the solution can help the company achieve its goals.

  • Once the ViGu team has come up with a viable idea, we develop a prototype based on the agreed-upon requirements, features, and solutions. Then, in collaboration with the project team, we allow individuals in their sample group to try and test the completed prototype. This allows them to quickly determine whether the product truly addressed the group's pain points.

    Testing it with the same group allows the team to more easily document their feedback, which is necessary for the next step.

  • During prototype testing, ViGu and the project team collect and document feedback from the sample group on their experience, reactions, and any other valuable details, such as what they think of the user interface.

    The feedback gathered allows the project team to initially validate the solution's usability and feasibility. It also informs the team of any necessary improvements to the proposed product and provides significant insight for future relevant actions.

  • After iterating and refining the concept in light of the feedback, ViGu or the project team is ready to present to the stakeholders.

    We show the problems that the product solves, the features that address those problems, and the technologies that are integrated to prove the concept's worth.

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