Design philosophy and process

ViGu is a talented group of design specialists and product delivery experts. Over the past decade, our design team has played a crucial role in leading successful initiatives for organizations across the world. We are committed to advancing design and working with the government, public sector, businesses, and communities to incorporate design in all they do. Our network of design experts encompasses a range of backgrounds and regions, bringing their unique skills, insights, and influence to our work.

We believe in the potential of design to solve the most pressing challenges of our time and create meaningful impact in people's lives. Our mission is to remain steadfast in our commitment to inclusive and eco-conscious design.

Leading the charge in custom product delivery and pioneering technology solutions

As experts in software and technology, we understand the impact it has on our world. Whether breaking down barriers, bridging distances, or revolutionizing old concepts of time, software holds the key to both success and frustration. Our team of seasoned technologists has spent over two decades mastering the art and science of delivering software that truly excites and engages.

Our custom product delivery and innovative consulting services are tailored to meet the unique needs of organizations with bold missions. We work closely with our clients to:

Create memorable experiences

By putting customers first and involving them in the process, we create experiences that are truly unique and leave a lasting impression.

Accelerate time to market

Our approach breaks down organizational barriers and simplifies technical complexities, allowing for quick and frequent delivery of
new features and functionality.

Our approach to product delivery


Our process begins with a deep understanding of our clients' customers. We use empathy and curiosity to drive innovation in the discovery phase, where we gather enough information to clearly define the problem.


In the Define stage, we hone in on the opportunity, defining the customer, business model, and product hypothesis. This is where we set a clear vision and ensure alignment among stakeholders.


With a strong vision in place, the design phase is focused on exploring and testing multiple solutions. We use rapid prototyping to iterate on the design, refining it until it is ready for delivery.


In the delivery phase, our focus shifts to executing the plan, building and testing the product, and refining it based on feedback from customers. This helps us optimize the effectiveness of the end product.

Design lead delivery capability

At ViGu, we believe that every client and product situation is unique, and our approach to user experience design reflects this. We take a flexible, adaptable approach to best suit each individual scenario.

Here is how our process typically unfolds:


Our first step is to dive deep into the market and customer behavior through a comprehensive competitive review and customer research. This includes interviews and contextual enquiries to gather valuable insights into the target audience. We validate our personas and gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior through in-store observations.


With a clear understanding of the customer, we bring together business and IT stakeholders for a kick-off workshop to define the MVP value propositions and scope. We prioritize goals and build the vision for the product through card sorting, customer journey mapping, information architecture, and prototyping. Our collaborative design process ensures that the technical vision and estimation and prioritization align with the business goals.


Our iterative delivery process is informed by regular user testing, surveys, and sentiment analysis to ensure that customer feedback drives every iteration. We showcase our progress along the way, continuously improving and fine-tuning the product until it's ready for release. Regular retrospectives allow our teams to continuously improve and refine our approach.

In addition to these core methods, we also use heat mapping, service design, search term analysis, and context enquiry to gather data and make informed decisions. At ViGu, customer feedback is at the forefront of every decision we make, and we stay tuned to the pulse of users to deliver the best possible product experience.

Uncovering the critical success factors

At ViGu, we believe that every successful product delivery begins with asking the right questions. That's why, before we embark on any project, we take the time to thoroughly understand the problem and identify key factors that will impact its success. Our comprehensive approach, outlined in the table below, helps us ensure that every project is delivered with excellence, from start to finish.

Our guiding principles

Achieving optimal outcomes with collaborative design

Collaboration and openness are the hallmarks of a successful design process. By working closely with our clients and fostering an environment of collaboration and transparency, we can ensure that the design process produces the best possible outcomes. At ViGu, we believe that involving our clients in every step of the process leads to a deeper understanding of their goals and requirements, and results in a design that truly reflects their needs and aspirations. Our open process allows for constant validation and refinement of the design, leading to a product that is not only beautiful, usable, but also feasible. By cultivating a culture of innovation and empowering our clients to understand and make use of our design philosophy, we aim to create designs that push the boundaries of what is possible.

  • Collaborative Client Engagement

    Collaborative Engagement

    Our top priority is building deep relationships with our clients and fully understanding their business context. We believe that this is key to a successful design outcome.

  • Transparent Design Process

    Transparent Design Process

    We believe in open and collaborative design, where both sides are deeply involved in the process. This leads to better outcomes and a constant validation of the design.

  • Bridging Design and Technology

    Bridging Design and Technology

    Our team consists of skilled designers and developers, who work seamlessly together to deliver beautiful, usable, and feasible designs.

  • Fostering Innovation

    Fostering Innovation

    Our designs not only look great, but also have the potential to spark innovative thinking and ideas within our clients. We offer a variety of techniques to help our clients make the most of our design philosophy.

Product design services

We trust that by accepting new ideas and taking chances, clients can build really transformative solutions. We turn modest ideas into big results.

We offer the following product and design services:

  • SEO Services at ViGu

    Product Design

    Creating beautiful and functional products is what we do best. ViGu believe that brands serve as a cultural bridge between businesses and their communities. Product design is key to our main services.

  • Social Media Marketing Services at ViGu

    UX Consulting

    Our UX consultancy helps boost customer happiness and loyalty. Our team of skilled designers and researchers will accomplish your company goals. Iterative and data-driven research and design are our specialties.

  • Design Systems

    Let us help, if you are having difficulty maintaining consistency across your digital products; unclear about how things should appear and function; or if you are simply seeking a more efficient way of building a product.

  • Proof of Concept

    Our PoC service allows clients to test the feasibility of their ideas and projects in a real-world setting. ViGu's team can help you affordably assess the potential of your concept, identify the challenges and opportunities.

Let's build something wonderful.
Begin by
saying hello