Key to our success:

The Agile mindset

Agile is an approach to software development that prioritizes customer satisfaction and adaptability over inflexible processes. Since the release of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, it has become a widely adopted method for delivering high-quality software. Agile values collaboration, experimentation, and continuous delivery of value, empowering teams to work efficiently and respond to changes quickly.

At ViGu, we embrace an agile mindset that values responsiveness to customers, adaptability, and speed in execution. This approach involves combining practices, such as stories, daily stand-up meetings, short iterations, and refactoring, with a mindset of collaboration, experimentation, empowerment, and customer-centricity. While "practicing agile" is crucial, we also strive to fully adopt an agile mindset.

To achieve adaptability and speed, we employ a number of strategies. Firstly, we prioritize continuous delivery of value through iteration and release, instead of a single large release at the end of the project. Our extensive automation, including automated testing, enables us to deliver value quickly and maintain the high-quality product to become a hallmark of our work. Secondly, we focus on doing more by continuously measuring value, which helps us eliminate marginal features and maintain our commitment to delivering the best for our customers.

We understand the importance of adapting to today's uncertainty and rapidly changing environment. That's why we have the expanded agile mindset and practices beyond software development. Our commitment to continuous delivery of value, and a customer-centric approach sets us apart and positions us for ongoing success in a rapidly changing environment.

Agile approach beyond development

Embodying Agile mindset

Being Agile is not just a buzzword at ViGu, it is ingrained into the fabric of who we are and how we work. We believe that this approach sets us apart and positions us for ongoing success. We pride ourselves on embodying the Agile mindset and fully embracing the principles of the Agile Manifesto. While many organizations may simply adopt Agile processes, such as utilizing a Kanban board or working within the Scrum framework.

Being Agile means that our every team member fully embraces the teachings of the Agile Manifesto. This doesn't simply mean following guidelines, but rather being inspired by the core values and principles of Agile and incorporating them into our daily practices. We understand that being Agile means being able to adapt to change quickly and continuously learning, which is why we have created a work environment that encourages Agile mindset. Our team structure is non-hierarchical and cross-functional, with each member playing a crucial role in delivering value to our customers.

We have the capacity and confidence to try new things and potentially fail, but always with the goal of learning and improving in mind. With agile practices such as iterative development, frequent retrospectives, and a culture of experimentation. We are able to quickly pivot and adjust the approach when needed. This allows us to stay ahead of the curve and constantly deliver high-quality solutions that meet the needs of end users.

Autonomous teams

We understand the importance of cross-functional teams in driving agility and innovation. Our teams are not just cross-functional, they are self-organizing and autonomous, giving them the freedom to experiment and continuously learn. The cross-functional nature of our teams allows us to bring together diverse perspectives and skills to tackle complex problems, leading to breakthrough solutions for our customers.

Our teams are empowered to make decisions, freeing them from the constraints of a rigid hierarchy. This not only boosts their motivation and engagement, but also ensures that the team is always aligned with the latest customer needs and trends. By eliminating unnecessary layers of bureaucracy and allowing teams to work independently, we are able to speed up decision-making and respond to change quickly. Our cross-functional teams are at the core of our Agile philosophy and play a crucial role in our ongoing success. They enable us to continuously improve and deliver value faster, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Transparent and collaborative approach

With traditional product development, IT and business leaders have a one-time interaction to gather requirements and present completed prototypes. However, with agile development at ViGu, both teams must work hand-in-hand to continuously shape the product. By investing in tools that enhance communication, senior business executives can encourage this collaborative approach. For instance, visual aids can be used to provide feedback, such as sketches or prototypes. This approach allows the product owner from the business unit and the technology leader to work together and make real-time changes to the software being developed. We use sketches to work together and refine the design. Later pair with front-end developers to develop a prototype, and the product owner provide feedback through circling what they liked or drawing alternative options. This approach allows for a clear and collaborative development plan, understood by all parties involved.

ViGu values transparency and joint decision making as crucial components of our customer-centric approach. We believe that by engaging our customers in open and honest communication, we can not only better understand their needs and goals, but also build trust and stronger relationships. Our transparent and joint decision making process involves actively seeking input from our customers and working together to make decisions that align with their objectives and deliver the best results.

Agile lead delivery capability

Our collaborative approach helps us to make more informed and strategic decisions, leading to better outcomes for everyone involved. Additionally, transparent communication helps us to identify and resolve potential challenges and roadblocks before they become bigger issues, leading to a smoother and more efficient project process. We believe that our approach sets us apart and enables us to deliver exceptional results for our customers. By working together and involving our customers every step of the way, we can ensure that the solutions we deliver align with their needs and drive the desired outcomes.

Embracing the user perspective to deliver value

We believe that understanding the users of the product is key to creating innovative software that truly makes a difference. Whether it's an executive dashboard or another application, it's important to focus on the needs and experiences of the users. Our senior executives encourage this user-centered approach by engaging in product reviews and asking questions to gain insights into who the users are, how they interact with the product, their work environment, and the challenges they face. We also encourage our development teams to consider these questions when designing and creating software to ensure that we are addressing the unique needs of end users.

Our main priority is delivering business value. By continuously providing value to customers, we stay ahead in a rapidly changing market and deliver the most impactful solutions. To measure the value delivered, we use methods such as, user feedback and surveys, KPIs and Metrics, Agile dashboards and scorecards, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), track project and team progress regularly. By monitoring and improving value delivery, we drive innovation and increase efficiency for our clients.

Balancing the 'good enough' with market cadence

As leaders, we tend to shy away from risk. But in traditional product development, there are numerous checkpoints along the way, which while thorough, can also be time-consuming. With the agile approach, we embrace a test-and-learn philosophy. This involves launching a basic version of the product that provides value to users in the present, and continually improving upon it over time. By adopting this mindset, we can be more nimble in our approach and respond quickly to market demands.

Our teams are in tune with the market pulse, delivering results that align with our customers' evolving needs. We understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve and delivering value in a timely manner. Our focus on market cadence is not just about keeping up with the latest trends, but also about being proactive and anticipating customer demands.

Our teams are empowered to make decisions to drive business value, and we trust in their ability to deliver expected results. This focus on delivering real outcomes is what sets us apart and allows us to stay ahead of the curve. Our approach to market cadence is rooted in agility and a relentless drive to continuously improve. Whether it's through iterative development or the adoption of new technologies, we're always pushing the boundaries to deliver the best possible outcomes for our customers.

Broadening the mandate to build stronger organizations

As our scrum teams continue to improve and gain experience, they may encounter resistance from less agile teams and systems throughout the organization. These slower-paced teams, such as large sales organizations, operate with more traditional, inflexible processes. To maximize the impact of our agile methods, senior leadership must explore ways to share the lessons from our agile teams with other parts of the company. Working closely with our CIO and other tech experts, senior business leaders can assess which processes and products are crucial for delivering customer value and determine which agile principles would enhance their efficiency.

We understand that the transition to an Agile approach can be challenging, especially for business leaders who are already stretched thin. That's why we're here to help, with guidance and support from our IT experts. With the help of CIOs and other technology professionals, senior business executives can gain a clearer understanding of Agile development processes. They'll learn the technical terms, identify the necessary technologies and skills, and see the tangible benefits of Agile in action - from a more fulfilling customer experience, to streamlined internal processes, to a vibrant corporate culture.

Empowering product owners

We believe that for Agile to truly succeed, it's important for business-unit leaders to take an active role as product owners. These individuals must make the development and success of a product their top priority and have the freedom to do so. This may require adjusting schedules and reassigning resources, but the results will be worth it.

As product owners, these leaders play a critical role in shaping the product vision and leading decision-making with IT. They must possess a unique blend of market knowledge and technical savvy, understanding the needs of end-users and working closely with engineers to create a clear development plan. This is a big responsibility, but it's one that can lead to great success.

Our clients can seamlessly empower their product owners to be the voice of the customer and internal stakeholders. We assist in distilling valuable insights, ideas, and feedback to craft a clear and concise product vision that accurately reflects the customer's needs, values, and desired outcomes.

We assist product owners for defining and executing the product vision with the help of our development team. To streamline this process, we encourage the breaking down of the vision into user stories that precisely identify target users, their pain points, the solution's purpose, and any constraints or acceptance criteria. Later to prioritize these user stories and engage in regular reviews with the development team to ensure a shared understanding and successful execution of the product vision.

Accelerating results with continuous monitoring

We understand that success in the agile world requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Our approach to continuous monitoring involves a focus on metrics, constant feedback, and continuous improvement. We continuously track key metrics such as lead time, cycle time, and work in progress to get a clear picture of our process efficiency. This helps us identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Our teams receive regular feedback from customers and stakeholders, allowing us to stay attuned to their needs and adjust our approach accordingly. Moreover, we encourage experimentation and iterative approaches to problem-solving. Our teams are empowered to test new ideas, learn from failures, and continuously improve. This creates a culture of learning and growth, positioning us to stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.

  • Managing tightening feedback cycles

    Staying ahead in a rapidly changing market is key to success. Our teams are equipped to handle the tightening feedback cycles that come with it. We quickly respond to changes and continually improve our processes. By using agile practices such as continuous delivery, iterative development, and a focus on collaboration and customer-centricity, we are able to seamlessly adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

    Our teams are trained in the art of active listening and collaborative problem-solving, ensuring that customer needs and feedback are always at the forefront of our efforts. This results in a product or solution that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations, making us a trusted partner in the ever-evolving market.

  • From Scrum to Kanban and beyond

    We believe that the right flavor of Agile is all about context. Whether it's Scrum, Kanban, or another scaling framework, the key is to find the approach that fits your organization's unique needs. We've seen the success of Scrum, a team-based Agile methodology that's been around for over 20 years. And we've also seen the benefits of Kanban, with its roots in manufacturing and its long history of success. It's up to you, and your team, to decide which approach will work best for your company.

    First step towards success is to embrace an Agile mindset. Agile is no longer a new concept, and organizations that fail to adopt it will struggle to keep up with customer and market needs. That's why we're here to help you make the right choice for your team.

  • A legacy of Agile excellence

    We have a wealth of experience in Agile methodologies, dating back over a decade. Our founding members worked with some of the most innovative and forward-thinking organizations in the field, honing their skills and developing a deep understanding of what it takes to truly embrace an Agile mindset. This expertise has been brought to bear in the creation of ViGu, where we have built an Agile culture from the ground up.

    We believe Agile helps us stay committed to continuous improvement, and a focus on delivering value to our customers at every step of the way. We have the skills and knowledge necessary to help organizations of all sizes transform their approach and embrace this powerful methodology. Whether you're looking to improve your software development processes, streamline your project management, or adopt Agile across your entire business, ViGu is here to help.

Product design services

We trust that by accepting new ideas and taking chances, clients can build really transformative solutions. We turn modest ideas into big results.

We offer the following product and design services:

  • SEO Services at ViGu

    Product Design

    Creating beautiful and functional products is what we do best. ViGu believe that brands serve as a cultural bridge between businesses and their communities. Product design is key to our main services.

  • Social Media Marketing Services at ViGu

    UX Consulting

    Our UX consultancy helps boost customer happiness and loyalty. Our team of skilled designers and researchers will accomplish your company goals. Iterative and data-driven research and design are our specialties.

  • Design Systems

    Let us help, if you are having difficulty maintaining consistency across your digital products; unclear about how things should appear and function; or if you are simply seeking a more efficient way of building a product.

  • Proof of Concept

    Our PoC service allows clients to test the feasibility of their ideas and projects in a real-world setting. ViGu's team can help you affordably assess the potential of your concept, identify the challenges and opportunities.

Let's build something wonderful.
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saying hello